7.95 USD
Join our group and get access to video, documents, and images associated with each show. Also, members can submit web links from their profile page to share with Dave while he is on the air. Once a month join a members only zoom call with Dave to share your information and learn what is going on in the USA and the WORLD
Price: 7.95 USD
Payment is recurring monthly payment. You can cancel at any time. Payment is none refundable.
Support Dave and all it takes to produce two shows a week.
79.95 USD
Join our group and get access to video, documents, and images associated with each show. Also, members can submit web links from their profile page to share with Dave while he is on the air. Once a month join a members only zoom call with Dave to share your information and learn what is going on in the USA and the WORLD
Price: 79.95 USD
Payment is recurring monthly payment. You can cancel at any time. Payment is none refundable.
Support Dave and all it takes to produce two shows a week.