Dave vonKleist
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30 Years of Radio Broadcasting, 3 Albums and 4 Documentaries

The WTF Reports Tuesdays and Thursdays 2pm EST

Dave vonKleist began to become aware and take interest in world affairs. He continued as a teacher, musician and announcer while taking courses in history, psychology and political science at Central Connecticut University. ​His most well known role in radio is as a talk show host of “The Power Hour”, a 3 hr morning drive program, mixing comedy and music with topical issues and politics.

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The WTF's Of The Week

The WTF's Of The Week


AIPAC was among the top 20 spenders in the 2022 elections. Here’s how it breaks down:

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Voter Fraud

Sheriff Dar Leaf files charges of voter fraud in Barry county, Michigan

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Trump Assassin

Top 6 Suspicious Factors of Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

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Inside Job

October 7 was an Inside Job

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Biden Is Out

Urged To Step Down By The Weekend

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Civil War

Their goal is CIVIL WAR in the U.S." Americans vs Illegal Aliens, Party vs. Party

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THE WTF REPORTS Republic Broadcasting

The WTF Reports - Aug 27 show: Military Memorial service at Arlington with Donald Trump! Butler PA investigation hints at INTENT! SCOTUS decision, NY Times vs Sullivan 1964

Aug 27, 2024
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Aug 27 show: Military Memorial service at Arlington with Donald Trump! Butler PA investigation...

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The WTF Reports - Aug 22 show: Crazy political stories

Aug 22, 2024
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Aug 22 show: Crazy political stories

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The WTF Reports - Aug 20 show: The DNC convention has walls & requires ID for admission, but the border doesn't? Hypocrisy reigns supreme!

Aug 20, 2024
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Aug 20 show: The DNC convention has walls & requires ID for admission, but the border doesn't?...

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The WTF Reports - Aug 15 show: Snipers target children. Missiles kill babies. Candace Owens discusses Zionism/Schofield Bible. Boots on the ground and voting.

Aug 15, 2024
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Aug 15 show: Snipers target children. Missiles kill babies. Candace Owens discusses...

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The WTF Reports - Aug 13 show: Smith-Bundt act prevented propaganda in the US, cancelled in 2012 by Obama. Sec. of Labor (Su) can't answer a "yes/no" question. Mike Jones explains FINCEN

Aug 13, 2024
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Aug 13 show: Smith-Bundt act prevented propaganda in the US, cancelled in 2012 by Obama. Sec. of...

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The WTF Reports - Aug 8, show: Dept of Ed grade scale dumbing America. John Hopkins Israeli DNA

Aug 08, 2024
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The WTF Reports - Aug 8, show: Dept of Ed grade scale dumbing America. John Hopkins Israeli DNA...

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The WTF Reports - Aug 6, 2024 show: Kamala Harris "African American"? "Woke"?

Aug 06, 2024
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Aug 6, 2024 show: Kamala Harris "African American"? "Woke"? Netanyahu vs Iran impending war! Tulsi...

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The WTF Reports - Aug 1st show: Apathy and complacency. Eva Vladdingerbrock and the immigrant invasion of Europe.

Aug 01, 2024
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Apathy and complacency. Eva Vladdingerbrock and the immigrant invasion of Europe. Biden: "We are...

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Coming Soon - WTF Membership Club

Support Dave's efforts. Join our exclusive club to get special content, supporting content, mimes and images, documents to download, our newsletter and a once a month conference call with Dave via zoom. More to come too! Its $7.99 a month or 79.99 annually. Watch this spot for the sign up links.

Dave's Documentaries and Music Videos

One Nation Under Siege
Dave vonKleist Discusses Swastika on Fox News
Beyond Treason 2005 - Documentary Official
911 Ripple Effect
9/11 In Plane Site - Directors Cut
Forever Vigilant 7 31 2020
Forever Vigilant 7 31 2020
Always on my Mind - Dave vonKleist

Meet Our Host

Radio Talk Show Host

An aspiring musician/singer and announcer in the ‘70s, Dave took an interest in world affairs in the 80’s after taking courses in history, psychology and political science at Central Connecticut Community College. Understanding the corruption and injustice that was becoming rampant in the public and private sectors, he decided to become a radio talk-show host. After working at several radio stations in the north-east, he landed on the GCN radio network and co-hosted “The Power Hour” for 10 years with his wife, Joyce Riley.

His common sense, down to earth approach to world affairs, humor and musical parodies made the show one of the most popular shows on radio.

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